Sanzen-in: Shuheki-en (D-137)

From the The Great Gardens of Kyoto collection.


A Japanese gardener plans everything carefully far in advance so that all the elements of a garden blend together harmoniously.  The ivory colored, geometric shoji screen with the soft pink and green colors of the garden on each side by side gives this composition its balance. William is offering the choice to the viewers of where to look. Each opening shows only a part of the entire garden.

Dimensions N/A


L1 (14 x 11 in.), L2 (20 x 16 in.), L3 (24 x 20 in.), L4 (30 x 24 in.), L5 (40 x 32 in.), L6 (50 x 40 in.), L7 (60 x 48 in.)


None, UV

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