Sanzen-in (ND-35)

From the Autumn Gardens in Kyoto collection.


William had captured the same Jizo Bosatsu and the large round bush in Sanzen-In with his 8×10 camera. In this vertical 8×20, the same Jizo stands among the blue-green world of the plant kingdom. We can also see part of another Jizo hidden behind the huge tree trunk. Even though the Jizo are facing in opposite directions, there is still harmony between them. The vertical format allowed William to include part of the bright sky in the top left corner, where our eyes can escape into open space. 

Dimensions N/A


Pv1 (9 x 24 in.), Pv2 (14 x 36 in.), Pv3 (20 x 48 in.), Pv4 (24 x 60 in.), Pv5 (28 x 72 in.), Pv6 (38 x 96 in.), Pv7 (48 x 120 in.)


None, UV

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