Fumon-in: The Water Lily Pond (B-100)

From the Temple Gardens of Kyoto collection.


In this photograph, the diagonally situated heavy stone bridge body cuts across the frame; its silverly color stands out amid the brilliant green and yellow lily pads, the moss, and the ferns. The bridge is firm and solid, yet does not overwhelm the surrounding nature. They peacefully co-exist, side by side. The ideal of the Japanese garden is not to emphasize man-made objects, but to choose them carefully so that they, like the bridge in this image, complement nature.

Dimensions N/A


L1 (14 x 11 in.), L2 (20 x 16 in.), L3 (24 x 20 in.), L4 (30 x 24 in.), L5 (40 x 32 in.), L6 (50 x 40 in.), L7 (60 x 48 in.)


None, UV

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